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Live your own adventure with our new tabletop RPG series, Dungeons & Drafthouse!

Perfect for first time players and seasoned D&D veterans alike, our exclusive one shots brought to you by our friends at Dungeon In A Box will be hosted by professional Dungeon Masters from some of the most trusted names in the RPG world, so you can expect expert level guidance through the adventure while you focus on advancing forward with a group of friends or making new ones while you play with a group of fellow adventurers.

Every ticket comes with a one shot adventure that should take about four hours to complete with customized Dungeons & Drafthouse character sheets.

This month's One Shot: Gelatinous Gifts!

Your party finds a small town’s holiday festival in jeopardy due to recent attacks from slime creatures. Caught in the middle is Cubert, a slime young, who ran away from home. The party must help guide Cubert home before the holiday spirit is destroyed – along with the town itself!


Event by
The Highball
Age Limit
18 & up